Click to view a short video about NIVAS’s partner families and their journey to homeownership.


For years, NIVAS has been helping women living in vulnerable situations to take back their story and make it their own. This year we're asking women and men to come together to help us expand our reach to build new homes for women-led families and provide training, jobs, and seed capital.


Our ReCover program starts by searching out women and their children living in the shadows, without housing, and without access to loans and other resources to build their own home.


We then commit to being her right-hand woman, standing by her as she navigates through procuring land, and finding the materials and labor that she can contribute.


By the end everyone can see the true person inside: a woman, a mother, a thinker, a doer, a homeowner.


In honor of International Women’s Day, we’ve set out to raise $15,000 to bring more women into our program in 2022.

More shelter. More training. More opportunity.

Join us now and every dollar you give will be matched by our fierce team of women-led business sponsors.


Check out our latest video short by powerful team Alice Carfrae, Aneel Katwal and Savitri Rajali.




Join the campaign here: