status: complete

ReCover Nepal: Damku

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311 People now have new homes.


In 2015 two massive earthquakes struck Nepal, devastating the entire country. Through our 2015 - 2018 ReCover Nepal program, we helped the families of 5 villages collectively called Damku in rural Solukhumbu, Nepal to rebuild their homes and lives.

Solukhumbu, lies in a very remote mountainous region which creates barriers to its residents ability to build safe, affordable, and adequate shelter. This is where our partnership became critical to moving forward. Through our program families gained the construction training to build their homes with earthquake resistant techniques. They gained access to materials and funding that would otherwise have been out of reach. Together in this partnership, the village has come to life again as people moved from focusing on maintaining make-shift bamboo and tarp shelters to prospering in their new and beautiful homes.

Since April 2015 we've managed to rebuild 100% of the damaged homes in this 5 village district.  Please check out our Impact Report on this meaningful project.


2016: Sabina and Samiksha and their beautiful new home.

68 Homes built through community collaboration.


Project Details


Our partnership with each family in our program, provided earthquake-resistant construction training and home design options so that families knew where to begin and had the skills to do so. We provided the materials that are otherwise unattainable due to cost and difficulty in acquiring. And we provided guidance and support in getting each home built from beginning to end. Each family committed their labor and local/reclaimed materials, and together we built 68 beautiful resilient homes. 

By combining our resources with that of the homeowner and advocating for their access to disaster relief funds, we were able to achieve building these 68 homes for under $100,000 in donations. This included all staff, trainings, advocacy, materials, and oversight.



High Impact Investment

By combining our resources with that of each homeowner and advocating for their access to disaster relief funds, we were able to achieve building these 68 homes for under $100,000 in donations.

This included all staff, trainings, advocacy, materials, and oversight.