
All Nivas programs are designed around a 50/50 to 40/60 partnership. Hardworking families, no matter where they live, are dedicated to investing their time, energy and any resources they can access to a better future for their children. We work collaboratively together which empowers families to design and implement their own vision (within code requirements, of course). This partnership not only transforms lives, it builds positive global relationships. 

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Taksindu sanitation: material delivery

Our communities work together throughout the construction process. Families exchange labor through a documented process of their own design, helping their neighbors achieve success while still sustaining all of life's necessary tasks. 


REcover: raise the roof

Because our partner families own both the end product (the home) and the process, our programs result in beautiful, unique architecture fitting to the vernacular aesthetic of the region and formed to fit the needs of each individual family. This generates dignity, rather than shame associated with living in cookie-cutter disaster-relief housing projects. 


ReCover: siblings in action

Not only do collaborative partnerships give way to empowered families, they also allow us to get a lot more done. Families are bringing so much labor and resources to the table, we're able to spread our resources further to more empowered and dedicated individuals and communities. This is a big part of how we make such a big impact on such a tiny budget.