Capacity Building

We work with amazingly talented and knowledgable people. They teach us so much. We help each other build capacity in both directions. In village districts there are certain things that just aren't accessible, such as seismic-resistant engineering data and building technology that is outside the vernacular standard. Building this expanded skill and knowledge base has far reaching effects going beyond today's Nivas-built projects into structures built for generations to come.


RECOVER: construction WORKSHOP

The members of this community experienced earthquakes shaking their core view of how to build a safe home for their loved ones. The architecture they've used for hundreds of years didn't hold up in the worst moments. Without access to engineering professionals in the village, most didn't even attempt to rebuild until the opportunity to learn new techniques arrived through our ReCover Program. 


Taksindu community planning 

Through our programs, people of all demographics in the community take leadership roles expanding the dynamic of power to include more voices. In our Taksindu Sanitation Project, children had an impactful role in expanding the local paradigm around proper sanitation and it's role in public health within the community. 


recover skills training 

Community capacity building recognizes the inherent strengths and talents within a population and seeks to expand on that knowledge.  It focuses on breaking down obstacles to positive development. The process is collaborative, increasing in both directions. We build our knowledge and talents and the community builds theirs, growing by working together.